Thursday, March 6, 2008

Letter to the editor

I just found this letter to the Camrose newspaper online. The lady who wrote this is not happy that nobody from Camrose came out to embarrass the kids families some more. Can you believe this writer, she wants employers to give time off work too. Is she out to lunch or what?? The people of Camrose made the right choice. Read the letter below.

"Sunday March 02, 2008Dear Editor,Where were the outraged people of Camrose, while a small group of anti-animal cruelty protesters braved icy winds, to show their support for more strict animal abuse laws in the case of Princess, the family cat that was microwaved to death. Any person living in and around Camrose, who was able to attend that rally of support on Feb. 7 and did not, needs to examine their priorities. Changing laws to help and protect the innocent do not happen without a strong display of public support. The Camrose courthouse this past Thursday should have had a large crowd, not a small group of protesters. The next hearing in this horrific case takes place on March 6 at 9:30 am. In place of regular, daily chores, show your support by being there, kids in tow, pets on a leash, sign or no sign, just be there. Employers should consider sending a concerned employee as their representative at the rally, and employees should consider asking for time off to attend. It is a priority!
Dale Latam, Red Deer"


Anonymous said...

This lady is a nut case

an animal life said...

Maybe the good animal loving people of Camrose had better things to do with their time on a weekday morning.

Unlike these protestors, with time on their hands to wave signs, the good animal loving people of Camrose and surrounding areas were probably busy earning an honest living in order to feed their families.