Friday, March 7, 2008

Voice for Animals is being Hypocritical

On March 6/2008, the trial began for the kids that were involved in the microwaving the cat. Voice for animals was there as well waving their signs around. There was only a few of them again so I can see another letter heading to the Camrose newspaper. Maybe this time they will demand a provincial holiday to be created or something as equally as ridiculous.

I see one of the things that Voice for Animals is protesting as well is the oils sands in northern Alberta. If Voice for Animals doesn't like the fuel we make from the oil there, why do they drive around the province protesting?? A little hypocritical isn't it!! Why doesn't Voice for animals do the environment a favour and quit wasting gas!! Why don't they take the money they waste protesting and donate it to a animal shelter where it can do some real good??

As always I warn everyone...make sure you understand where your donations are going. Look carefully into the animal rights organizations that you might to support.

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