Friday, March 7, 2008

Voice for Animals is being Hypocritical

On March 6/2008, the trial began for the kids that were involved in the microwaving the cat. Voice for animals was there as well waving their signs around. There was only a few of them again so I can see another letter heading to the Camrose newspaper. Maybe this time they will demand a provincial holiday to be created or something as equally as ridiculous.

I see one of the things that Voice for Animals is protesting as well is the oils sands in northern Alberta. If Voice for Animals doesn't like the fuel we make from the oil there, why do they drive around the province protesting?? A little hypocritical isn't it!! Why doesn't Voice for animals do the environment a favour and quit wasting gas!! Why don't they take the money they waste protesting and donate it to a animal shelter where it can do some real good??

As always I warn everyone...make sure you understand where your donations are going. Look carefully into the animal rights organizations that you might to support.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Letter to the editor

I just found this letter to the Camrose newspaper online. The lady who wrote this is not happy that nobody from Camrose came out to embarrass the kids families some more. Can you believe this writer, she wants employers to give time off work too. Is she out to lunch or what?? The people of Camrose made the right choice. Read the letter below.

"Sunday March 02, 2008Dear Editor,Where were the outraged people of Camrose, while a small group of anti-animal cruelty protesters braved icy winds, to show their support for more strict animal abuse laws in the case of Princess, the family cat that was microwaved to death. Any person living in and around Camrose, who was able to attend that rally of support on Feb. 7 and did not, needs to examine their priorities. Changing laws to help and protect the innocent do not happen without a strong display of public support. The Camrose courthouse this past Thursday should have had a large crowd, not a small group of protesters. The next hearing in this horrific case takes place on March 6 at 9:30 am. In place of regular, daily chores, show your support by being there, kids in tow, pets on a leash, sign or no sign, just be there. Employers should consider sending a concerned employee as their representative at the rally, and employees should consider asking for time off to attend. It is a priority!
Dale Latam, Red Deer"

Monday, March 3, 2008

My Commentary on Voice for Animals

When four dumb kids broke into a house in Camrose, Alberta, (Dec.29/2008) they found a cat inside, which they killed in a microwave. The police arrested the four boys and charged them accordingly.

Once again our Voice For Animals are hot on the case. What those kids did was really stupid and they will pay the price. But what has Voice for Animals got to do with all this. Not really sure?? They did protest outside the court house. All nine people, kids with their mothers again. What were they protesting?? The boys are in a great deal of trouble, our system was working as it should be. I will keep this post update as events occur.

March 6/2008
On March 6/2008 the next trial for the four kids begins. Voice for Animals will no doubt attend and protest outside the courthouse again. Why are they protesting?? " Tove Reese (the fearless leader) states--"V4A will be present to ensure the legal system does not forget that justice is demanded for the victim who could not defend herself." The kids were arrested, charged and on trial. How is justice not being done.

Tove Reese compared the four teenage boys actions with actions of serial killers.(emotional appeal to mass hysteria) Can we not have just a little grip of the real world here for just a few minutes. Tove Reese's job here is to try and sell you a package that doesn't exist, it isn't real. I realize that the four boys are not angels, but this is really out in left field. Tove Reese and Voice for Animals has humiliated the boys families enough.

Voice for Animals has way too much time on their hands. It seems to me that they are using the four kids crime to get some more headlines, to crank up their propaganda machine. Leave the kids and their families alone and go back to Edmonton. Has anyone out there got a job for these Voice for Animals people??

Do yourselves and your wallet a favour by checking out the animal groups first before you donate.