Saturday, April 12, 2008

Animal Rescue Scam

I don't really feel much like working but on the other hand, I want to be rich. I think what I will do is start up a animal rescue service. I will call it Bushbob's humane society. I can get a website up fast, then fill it with photos of half starved animals. I am going to tell the people that come to my website,- if you don't want to see these animals die then you best send me your money. Of course I will have all the different ways you can donate money to me. Then, I will get some metal cans, (for your coins) paste some poor looking animal onto the cans and spread them throughout my area. Now I don't really have any starving animals, in fact, I don't have any animals at all. But that doesn't matter, I am only doing this to make money. I need an address for the cheques, a bank account, paypal and to be set up for charge cards. Nothing to it.

You love animals and you have a kind heart. Unfortunately, dishonest people take your kindness and turn it against you. They prey on your weaknesses and your love of animals.

How many different animal welfare groups are there in North America?? I couldn't begin to tell you, thousands no doubt. Some of these groups actually do what they claim, help out the animals. Some of these groups are nothing but a fraud. Before you send off your hard earned money to any of them, check them out first. Do a search online, ask a friend, just check them out. Some of these animal groups are animal rights extremists, god only knows what happens to your money then. Your local animal shelter might be a good place to start if you want to help out and donate some money. I can go down to my local shelter and visit them, talk to the employees and see the animals that I am helping.

Animal scammers will say just about anything to suck more money out of you. When you've already paid once, they hit you again and again for more money with more stories, until finally you catch on. They will send you cards with some poor cat or dog on the front, often from outside the country. They will try and get you to sign up to be a regular contributor.

"Called "the greatest scam of the 21st Century", the animal protection racket is the hottest thing going in the easy money game. "Ani-scamming" (animal scamming) is a fast, profitable ticket to success with almost no outlay of expenses."

